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“Vacation! (All We Ever Wanted!) Zine” by Richard F. Yates (Holy Fool)


Howdy Humans! Knowing the importance of pleasing the wife, I sat down today (despite a STRONG urge to do a new radio show) and put together a new zine showcasing the photos I captured (with my phone) on our extended, two-week vacation. This zine is heavy on the visuals and light on those pesky words, which tend to annoy most folks. (I love words, especially confusing and extraneous words, which is why I’m a writer / slash / artist…)

What you will find (for free, I might add) if you click the link below is a 22 page JOURNEY through arts and sights and (a bit of) silliness. If you just want to LOOK at the zine---it’s a PDF file---you can “left-click” on the link and open the file in your browser, or you can download the file and enjoy it as often as you like… Or even print the thing. The same is true of all of my free PDFs, although the SIZES on these pieces vary. This book is 11 inches by 8.5 inches, landscape format… There are a TON of images from the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, which both Mariah and I found to be a great experience, so if you want to see some of the pieces that the SFMOMA has on display at the moment, here’s your chance.

I’d love to hear from anybody else who visited any of the places chronicled in this zine, particularly the museum. Feel free to leave a comment and let me know what your experiences where like! Meanwhile, I’m gonna start putting together a radio show! (Ha!) Below, you’ll find a complete list of the free PDFs that I’ve made available for anybody to read or download. The point of these is to spread the love, share the art, and inspire folks to make their own shit! DO IT! It’s easy. It’s cheap. And with the help of social media, you can distribute your work all around the world INSTANTLY! Even if that work is just some vacation snaps… Ha! I say, “WHY NOT?”



VACATION! (ALL WE EVER WANTED!) Zine (22 pages of vacation photos full of sights and experiences and arts (and not too many words)!)


BY THE POOL ZINE (July 2021) (14 pages of STUFF drawn on July 30th 2021, mostly by the pool at the Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.)


23 ARTZ + WORDZ zine Issue #1 (23 somewhat randomly chosen, tokenized works of crytpo-art, created by me over the last four years on various platforms, PLUS the wordz that give them context or help the art make less sense!)


SMALL TOWN SHADOWPLAY (UNFINISHED ZINE) (Lit zine collecting the unfinished SMALL TOWN SHADOWPLAY serialized story! Do-it-yourself ending!)


METAPHORICALISM (001) (12 inch by 12 inch digital collage pdf.)


PUNKTRONIC COVER ART PDF (The first 37 pieces of "cover art" for my PUNKTRONIC pirate radio podcast.)


IMPOSSIBLE TO PRODUCE ZINE 01 (Odd collage "zine" produced at 30 inches by 30 inches... Not sure why I did it this way, but there ya go!)


FAKE ARTZ ZINE (Art / lit zine.)


THE FIRST LAUGH (11 inch by 17 inch propaganda poster!)



---Richard F. Yates (Primitive Thoughtician and Holy Fool)


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